Wednesday, May 14, 2014

What happened to America, and why the government can't fix it

In the name of maximum profit, businesses have done everything humanly possible to rid this country of middle class jobs. We are now reaping the reward of that way of thinking and the poetic beauty of it is ironic. The short term maximum profits paradigm has lead to a long term destruction of the middle class. The middle class is what made this country a success. The government cannot fix this problem with all the taxes or programs they can dream of. The only solution is for the private sector to start creating tens of millions of good paying middle class jobs. Fewer jobs sent overseas for cheap labor. Stop replacing people with machines. Secure the borders and enforce immigration laws to stop the flow of cheap labor. Not every kid needs an MBA. How about teaching some of them how to make things with their hands so that they can make a good living and help bring manufacturing back to the U.S. "Hand made in the U.S.A" should be our slogan for the 21st century. If we are lucky, our children will have a chance to rebuild the American dream by looking back at how we destroyed it.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Looks like we "Lost the good fight" again

Someone give Boehner another box of Kleenex. What difference is the federal debt anyway? I feel secure in saying that the average Obama voter would be no more concerned with a 170 trillion dollar Federal debt than they would with a 17 trillion dollar debt. To be honest, a large percentage of them could not tell you which was larger, a billion or a trillion or a Brazillian. I think it is fair to estimate that the federal debt should be around 30 trillion in 2024, at the end of Hillary's 8 years in office. I think it is also fair to say that, due to the condition of the "Faith and Credit" of our government by then, the interest rates we will have to pay on our debt could be around 6%.That would put the annual interest payments on our debt at around 1.8 trillion dollars. That is greater that 10 % of our current GPD and it's anyone's guess what our GDP will be in 2024. That amount is also roughly 8 times more than the 220 billion per year that we pay now for the interest payments on the current federal debt. Our founding fathers knew there was no guarantee that the people could keep this constitutional republic intact. It was up to the character of the people. Elections have consequences. I guess we deserve what we get.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

The fat lady has sung

Is the flag at half mast? It should be. Our president stood in St Petersburg Russia a couple days ago and proclaimed that, as the world's greatest superpower, we could not stand by and watch Assad gas children. Was this really the place to boast about something that was no longer true? This time will go down in the history books as a defining moment in world history. Russia has now taken control of future events in the middle east. They announced today the installation of their S-300 missile defense system for Iran. So much for keeping Iran from developing nuclear weapons. The U.S. and Israel will be powerless now to honor that commitment. Syria's chemical weapons are now under Putin's control. Do we really think he has any interest in destroying all of that arsenal? They are his guarantee that the U.S. will never again try to intervene. They worked this time and they will work the next time. While the alpha bet news portrays this as a big victory for our president, the truth of the matter will reveal itself quickly. To use our secretary of state's characterization of our never to materialize attack on a target that could never been defined, we are now an "incredibly small" superpower. How does if feel America? Elections have consequences. I hope you share my faith in Jesus. The fulfillment of Bible prophecy is sometimes painful, but know this. As things begin to look more and more hopeless, they are not. One day soon, our Lord will come again. He will not be smiling. When that time comes, nations will not matter. Faith in Jesus or lack of it will be the only thing that counts. Be of good cheer brothers and sisters in Christ. Our time draws near. McWeijun

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

It's been a nice recovery for those who didn't need one

Corporate profits are at a all time high due to the quantum leap In productivity achieved by understaffing and working people 'till they drop. Quite an employers market the corporations have been enjoying. With the labor participation rate at 63% and falling at the same time as the DOW sets a new record high every day, Obama's wealth redistribution is almost complete. He has moved any remaining middle class wealth straight to the ultra rich. All you liberal democrat OWSers may want to take a closer look at who you're backing.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Anyone else tired of trying to pronounce Muslim names?

When the U.S.S.R tried to deal with the radical Islam, the United States backed Islam with money and weapons for 10 years until Russia gave up and went home. Now for a decade the U.S. has been trying to deal with radical Islam while Russia backs their play. Now we are trying to buy an honorable retreat with billions of taxpayer dollars. Does anyone think that makes Russia and the U.S. look rather studid? I hope we have learned a lesson. You don't defeat radical Islam. Jesus defeats radical Islam when they go after Israel. The world needs to sit back and watch them with satellites and spies. If we see them close to nuclear capability we need to destroy those facilities from far away. We have that capability. One thing the U.N. might do in the meantime is gather all of the countries that have nuclear capability together in a pact that would assure no country would aid Islam in acquiring neclear weapons. The threat of mutually assured destruction only works with civilizations that value life. Radical Islam values death. They strap bombs on their children and explode them in crowds "TO SEND THEM TO HEAVEN." They shoot U.S. soldiers in the back of the head that are deployed there trying to help them. Liberals keep telling me that the majority of Islam is peaceful. It's time for them to prove that by dealing with their own non-peaceful members. I have a feeling that if we just contain them and give them enough time, they might just stone each other out of existence. Man them guys like to throw rocks!!!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

How far we have fallen

I just finished the most difficult and yet one of the best books I have ever read. Glenn Beck's "The Original Argument" is a view into the minds of those who drafted and sold our Constitution to the Confederacy. If you want to gain a new appreciation for the intellect of our founders, I highly recommend this book. A pal asked me what were the most important thoughts in the book. The most clear agreement between Hamilton, Madison and Jay, who penned the papers under the name Publius was spot on. Without a firm foundation in God, man would not be able to govern himself, regardless of what form of government he created. They told the people that this Constitution was the best document ever created in the history of mankind to form a solid foundation for a country. They also told them that it was up to them to make it work, and that without the character that comes from faith in God, chances were slim. Ben Franklin answered a man's question after leaving the signing who asked, "What kind of a government did you give us?" He said, "A Constitutional Republic, if you can keep it." What a great message. Wish they would spend more time teaching it in school. Maybe some day.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Tell your great,great,great,great grandchildren you are sorry.

I was thinking about the shrewd deal we made with the President when we decided to increase the debt limit by another 2.4 trillion dollars. Believe me, that money will be spent by the end of his first term. That will bring our total debt to about 17 trillion. In return, we got a promise that a special committee of legislators would attempt to cut 1.5 trillion over the next 10 years. That's 150 billion per year. At that rate, it will take roughly 110 years to pay off the debt. I know 2121 will be here before we know it, but could we not have assigned a slightly higher priority to one of the biggest problems in our Nations history?